Sunday, September 28, 2008

Finding Time For Internet Marketing While Working Another Full Time Job

Whenever I get on my computer and start to work on my internet businesses I need to be focused. It is really important for me to be in an area which I can just do my work. In most cases people have other things going on in their life besides the internet and in my case I have a few hurdles I need to jump over before I get to work.

Have Your Priorities Straightened Out

First off, I have a girlfriend who comes before any of my work online. So if she is home I do not work on the computer. This really puts me back to have quicker success online, but I would not be happy without her. Even if I were to make more money I would not be happy.

If her and I are not on good terms, I have trouble focusing. This is another reason why it is important to have your priorities straight. If you have certain people that are like my girlfriend in your life I'm sure you know what I mean. They need attention. If she is not around then I get to work.

Set A Schedule

Before the week starts put away time that you will be able to work on your internet marketing. Do not get lazy and skip time you put away to work on your marketing.

In order to be successful online you do not need to be on the computer all day everyday. Give yourself breaks and time to relax and do nothing or go out and have a beer with your friends. If you are constantly working all day every day you will start to hate internet marketing and start to hate your life. Even if I were to make more money I would not be happy unless I put away time to do things other then work.

Set Achievable Goals

Setting achievable goals is key to being successful. It is always good to have something to look up towards. Your goal may be to write 3 articles a day, or it may be to update your 3 blogs twice a week. Whatever your goal is you must work towards achieving them.

By having your priorities straightened out, and setting achievable goals with a set schedule you are more likely to succeed then to go into internet marketing without a plan. Most people do there internet marketing in their free time which is fine, but it is also good to have free time for things other then internet marketing.

There's absolutely no excuses for not liking your job. Click this link if you're ready to learn how I am able to generate a consistent average income online of $4,242 every two weeks and start to make some serious money Download our free document, "Consistent Average Income of $4,242 Every Two Weeks Online"

Author : Jeffrey_M_Louis


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